Bald eagle swoops in to steal Florida man's fishing catch

A bald eagle has bravely swooped in to steal a Florida man's fishing catch moments after he hooked it.

Darrin Vick had been trying all day to make a decent catch on waters in Dunedin, but the sun was beginning to set and he he was expecting to go home empty handed.

But in the final moments of light, Mr Vick felt a small shark tugging at the line and started reeling it in.

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Bald eagle steals Florida man's fishing catch

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But a sneaky bald eagle was watching from afar, and wasted no time swooping in to steal his one and only catch.

Mr Vick and his family couldn't believe what they were seeing and quickly got their phones out to film the amazing sight.

"It's just like brushing the greatness of the country all into one picture and one experience," Mr Vick told Fox13.

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Bald eagle steals Florida man's fishing catch

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But the family weren't distracted for long and quickly cut the line and hook free so the eagle wouldn't be injured.

And while the family ended up going home empty handed - they at least had the video for memories and the comfort in knowing the eagle had a decent feed.

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