Prime Minister reveals swathe of changes to Cabinet

Senator Michaelia Cash has been appointed Australia's new Attorney-General, replacing Christian Porter, in a swathe of new changes to the cabinet announced by the Prime Minister.

Scott Morrison has declared his new cabinet and ministry will have the "strongest" female representation an Australian government cabinet has ever had. 

Senator Cash will also be the Minister for Industrial Relations. 

Foreign Minister Marise Payne will lead the taskforce of the new ministerial roles - including Women's Safety and Women's Economic Security - Mr Morrison describing her role as the "Prime Minister for Women". 

See the full proposed ministry list here

MP Michaela Cash

READ MORE: 'Blokes don't get it right all the time': Scott Morrison

Karen Andrews has been named the Minister for Home Affairs. 

While Anne Ruston will take on the new portfolio of Minister for Women's Safety.

"Getting these results for Australian women will be achieved through collaboration, it will be achieved through listening, they will be achieved by acting together," Mr Morrison said.

"They won't be achieved by dividing Australians."

Linda Reynolds has been demoted from her position as the Minister for Defence, with Peter Dutton to take on the role.

Ms Reynolds will remain in Cabinet, but will transition into a role in NDIS and government services. 

Mr Morrison said he had discussions with Ms Reynolds prior to the cabinet shuffle. 

"She has recovered extremely well," he said.

"She is in good health and I know she will do an outstanding job in this area." 

Melissa Price will also return to cabinet and will retain the portfolio for Defence Industry.

"These changes will shake up what needs to be shaken up, while maintaining the momentum and the continuity and the stability that Australia needs," Mr Morrison said.

It is the government's second reshuffle in three months.

Senator Jane Hume will take on the additional portfolio of Women's Economic Security. 

Amanda Stoker has also been appointed Assistant Minister for Women, in addition to her position of Assistant Attorney-General. 

Stuart Robert will move to the Employment, Workforce, Skills, Small and Family Business portfolio. 

While Christian Porter has been stripped of his Attorney-General post, moving to Industry Science and Technology.

Despite his demotion, Mr Porter will continue to serve in cabinet, Mr Morrison said. 

The prime minister said the former Attorney-General's new role will allow him to focus on his portfolio and local electorate.

"I certainly expect him to continue to serve in my cabinet - both now and after the next election," he said. 

"He's been an outstanding minister and a person of great capability."

Second cabinet reshuffle since December

Prime Minister Scott Morrison has reshuffled his ministry for the second time in just months as he continues to battle scandals levelled at members of his own party.

Mr Morrison today unveiled a new-look front bench cabinet that sees embattled MPs Christian Porter and Linda Reynolds dumped from their senior positions.

Both Mr Porter and Ms Reynolds have faced crisis-level scandals in recent week that has brought into question the workplace culture and treatment of women within Australia's highest office.

Brittany Higgins speaks at March 4 Justice in Canberra

Ms Reynolds has been confronted with intense scrutiny over her knowledge and actions surrounding the alleged rape of her former staffer Brittany Higgins in the Senator's office in March 2019.

Mr Porter is accused of raping a woman during a trip to Sydney for a debating tournament in 1988. He strenuously denies the allegations.

The two ministers have been on leave in recent weeks.

Mr Morrison last reshuffled his cabinet in December last year when then Finance Minister Mathias Cormann retired from parliament.

Mr Morrison said the re-shuffle was about "getting the right perspective" in the wake of the justice for women movement. 

Mr Morrison said when he first became Prime Minister in 2019, he had the "highest number" of women appointed to cabinet. 

The swathe of changes announced in the cabinet reshuffle today, goes "further than that", he said. 

"It sets a new benchmark, a new ambition for our government," Mr Morrison said. 

"I am very pleased about that." 

from 9News

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