Indian police have arrested two men for allegedly orchestrating a fantastical scam, selling a so-called magic Aladdin's lamp to a doctor for almost $130,000.
The pair contended the lamp had magical powers that would bring wealth and happiness, with their alleged ruse even conjuring up a fake genie.
Seemingly inspired by a tale from The Arabian Nights, the men had initially tried to trick the doctor into paying $284,000 for the lamp, but settled on a price of $128,189.
The doctor, Laeek Khan, told Uttar Pradesh police he was targeted after he began to treat a woman he believed was the mother of the men.
"Gradually they started telling me about a baba (godman) whom they claimed also visited their home. They started brainwashing me and asked me to meet this baba," he told NDTV.
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Mr Khan said a genie appeared one night, supposedly from out of the lamp.
It was only later, he said, that he realised it was allegedly one of the two men dressed in a costume.
Uttar Pradesh police said a third suspect, a woman is on the run and still a large.
The men had allegedly used the lamp to scam other locals, police said.
"The cheats had struck a deal for much more but the doctor had paid about 7m rupees," senior official Amit Rai told AFP news wire.
"The men have also cheated other families using the same modus operandi," said Rai.
"The total amount of money involved runs into several million rupees."
In the fairy-tale Aladdin, a genie who can grant wishes appears from a magic lamp when it is rubbed.
from 9News