Protestors opposing the Victorian Government's proposed pandemic bill remain on the steps of the State Parliament this morning despite last-minute changes to the legislation.
About 70 demonstrators camped out on the steps overnight as the Victorian Government agreed to change the proposed pandemic bill.
Key crossbench MPs Fiona Patten, Andy Meddick and Samantha Ratnam backed crucial amendments, The Age reports.
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Fines for breaching public health orders will be halved and the timeframe to release the reasons behind pandemic decisions reduced under the amendments proposed by the Labor government.
In a joint statement, the three MPs said the amendments reflected community concerns.
But the changes have not gone far enough for the protesters who were still chanting 'Kill the bill' this morning and vowed to continue demonstrating.
"People do not want this bill to happen," a protester told 9News.
"If it happens here in Melbourne, it is going to happen all around the country. And every other state is willing the Melbourne people to fight this."
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Thousands of protesters marched through the CBD at the weekend also opposing the proposed legislation.
A number of politicians attended the protests, with former Liberal MP Craig Kelly - who is now part of Clive Palmer's United Australia Party - addressing the crowd.
The Public Health and Wellbeing Amendment (pandemic management) Bill 2021 passed through the lower house in October and a vote in the upper house is expected this week.
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