The timeline of Melissa Caddick's alleged frauds and disappearance

When Melissa Caddick vanished from her home in Sydney's Dover Heights on November 12, it sparked dozens of conspiracy theories.

And the discovery of her foot on a beach on the NSW South Coast on Sunday has raised as many questions as answers.

But Ms Caddick's story started well before her disappearance, and has not ended now her remains have been found.

The timeline of Melissa Caddick's story

May 6, 2009: Court documents indicate the first of Melissa Caddick's "suspected contraventions" is on this date. That year she sets up her own financial firm, but without the necessary financial services licence to do so.

Over the next 11 years she collects tens of millions from clients, who all believe they are investing.

2013: Ms Caddick marries Anthony Koletti, a hairdresser she met at a salon in Bondi Junction.

2014: Ms Caddick pays $6.2 million for a five-bedroom home in Dover Heights.

August 13, 2020: According to the Sydney Morning Herald, one of Ms Caddick's investors strikes up a conversation with another patient in a dentist's waiting room. The patient tells her Ms Caddick has been using her financial services licence.

The investor later reports Ms Caddick to the Australian Securities Investment Commission.

READ MORE: Caddick used Commonwealth Bank letterheads on fake documents

November 10, 2020: ASIC freezes Ms Caddick's bank accounts and properties, preventing her from leaving the country.

November 11, 2020: Officers from ASIC raid Ms Caddick's home in Dover Heights. The raid takes up most of the day. Officers leave with couture gowns, designer clothes, shoes and jewellery. It is the last day Ms Caddick is seen alive.

November 12, 2020: Ms Caddick's son hears the front door of their home close at 5.30am. He assumes it is Ms Caddick going for a morning run. Her family notes she has left behind her mobile phone, wallet and keys. She misses the 4pm deadline to surrender her passport and any plane tickets to police.

November 13, 2020: Ms Caddick is reported missing to police by her husband, 30 hours after her disappearance.

February 21, 2021: Campers find a shoe containing a decomposing foot on the shoreline south of Tathra, on the NSW South Coast.

February 26, 2021: Police reveal DNA analysis has found the foot is Ms Caddick's.

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