Millions of out of work Australians will have their JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments slashed within days as the government moves to get more people back to work.
But Finance Minister Mathias Cormann couldn't say how many people will be affected by the changes, saying the payment schemes were "always meant to be temporary".
"As the economy recovers and as businesses recover what we would expect will happen is that businesses will start paying a larger share of the wages of employees again," Mr Cormann told Today.
The JobKeeper wage subsidy will drop from $1500 per fortnight to $1200 for full-time workers, and $750 per fortnight for part-time workers, from September 28.
On Friday, the JobSeeker fortnightly coronavirus supplement will be cut from $550 to $250.
It'll mean fortnightly payments for singles will move to $815 each fortnight - about $58 a day.
"They there were to support business and to support Australians through the initial phases of the crisis," Mr Cormann said.
"Businesses would be expected to pay the wages of their employees out of income rather than on the basis of taxpayer-funded support."
RELATED: JobKeeper and JobSeeker extensions hit the Senate: What the legislation means if you're on benefits
About 900,000 businesses have been supported by JobKeeper, including three and a half million Australians, he said.
"More than 450,000 jobs have been restored over the last three months," Mr Cormann said.
"The unemployment rate has been starting to come down again. It is certainly well below where we had feared it would be."
The Morrison government has yet to say what will happen to JobSeeker past the end of the year.
"We have got to assess what the economy is like later in the year," Mr Cormann said.
"At this stage we have extended the enhanced JobSeeker arrangement and coronavirus supplement at a lower rate to the end of this year. We will continue to assess all the economic data, we will assess the speed with which jobs are being restored and the economy continues to recover and later in the year we will be making further judgments if and as required."
Mr Cormann said the government was working with state and territory leaders in reopening internal borders, to kickstart the economy, hinting progress was being made.
"State borders should be reopened as soon as possible," he said.
"I think I've detected a level of shifting on this front.
"We want those state borders to be opened as soon as that can safely be done and certainly to have a growing number of doctors making that point obviously is very welcome.
"When you've got a growing number of medical experts arguing that this should happen and that there are no public health reasons for borders to remain closed in the same way as they have been that is clearly something that I'm sure they will be taking on board."
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